Thursday, January 15, 2009

IV is Rising - What to do?

Thursday, 15 Jan 2009


Dear OPTION Traders,

Yesterday nite, I arrive at home

around 00:45 in the morning

just came back from OPTION Preview

at Hotel ALILA followed by Live Trading meeting

I look at $VIX, and it is Rising

Normal condition, VIX is around 20%

That means, IV is High

High IV is not suitable for Buying OPTION

however, it is a good time to sell

I look at SKF, the IV > 125%

and the good news is, Jan OPTION

will expired this Friday, just 2 days away

SKF is going UP

I sell STO PUT 120 Jan

I Buy BTO PUT 115 Jan

Total Credit 0.40 x 2 contract = 80

Margin needed for this trade is $1.000

I expect this OPTION will Expired worthless

and make 80/1000 = 8% just 2 days!

You still can do it today

you might get 5% just 1 Day!

You change of winning is 99%

Hey, Deposit to your local bank

only make 3% / 365 Days!

Peter Sufandri

1 comment:

  1. Thursday around 23.00 WIB
    I did the same thing for SKF is at 150 & the IV is 130 plus it will expired at friday.
    STO Put 135 for $1.7
    BTO Put 130 for $1.1
    Credit Spread 60
    Capital 500 (just 1 contract)

    Today it reach 160 after going down last nite
    So my STO will expired worth less !
    Profit Return, 60 / 500 = 12% just in 1 nite

    Praise the Lord
